
In the wild, herd animals like elephants work together to surround their babies so that predators can’t get to them by creating a shield of protection. Similarly, when most people get immunized they create a shield of protection in the community so vulnerable babies, kids with cancer or other immunity issues who can’t be vaccinated are protected. 11 (2)Dangerous vaccine-preventable diseases can’t get a foothold in the community when most people are immunized. You can’t spread a disease and contribute to an outbreak if you are immune. Can’t spread what you can’t catch!

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Kai got a new liver and can't get vaccines
Kids like Kai rely on herd immunity

Book sales fund pediatric health education campaigns. Contact me for educator discount and FREE “FightFlu” or “Immunized and #SchoolReady” stickers to promote a healthier community. Let’s protect the vulnerable like Kai, who medically can’t be vaccinated.Screenshot_2_13_15_10_27_AM

My name is Ethan, I’m now 17 years old, and I dedicate my book to the children who rely on herd immunity to keep them safe. Kids fighting cancer, needing transplants, or battling other diseases are the real heroes and I want them to know they have a friend who cares and that’s why #IAmTheHerd


Book proceeds fund immunization educations campaigns like my “Immunized and #SchoolReady stickers for schools and health care educators to promote community immunity.

How vaccines work:

Herd immunity explained:

Please go to these sites to get more information:




Elephant photo credit Amoghavarsha