“Why do I need to get a shot?”

Sometimes it takes a kid to explain something to another kid.

fullsizeoutput_14c4After I met children with fragile immune systems, I was surprised that herd immunity wasn’t in my science textbooks. This inspired me to write a children’s illustrated book about vaccines and herd immunity.

 In a story about how my puppy and I became community immunity superheroes, my book has everything I wish I had known when I was getting my kindergarten shots. Thanks to the American Academy of Pediatrics California and Rady Children’s Hospital my book was published in English and Spanish.


My name is Ethan, I’m 17 years old, and I dedicate my book to the children who rely on herd immunity to keep them safe. When you buy my book, you help me fund my pediatric health campaigns. Those kids fighting cancer, needing transplants, or battling other diseases are the real heroes, and I want them to know they have a friend who cares and that’s why #IAmTheHerd.

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I was awarded The Congressional Award Gold Medal (2019 ceremony) and three President’s Volunteer Service Awards Medals (Gold Medals 2018 and 2017, and Silver 2016).


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